That’s the key message in a byline article just published in Spain’s Corresponsables magazine, by Amadeus‘ VP & Associate General Counsel, Intangibles, Data Value, R&D, and President of EONA-X, Jean-François Cases. Some soundbites follow:
“Governments seeking to meet climate targets and environmentally conscious travelers see integrated mobility as an opportunity to reduce the climate impact of their journeys (…) Sustainable mobility is key. The goal is to facilitate the traveler’s experience, making it easier for them to reach their destination by simplifying the paperwork for tickets and documents needed to reach a city, regardless of the means of transport and transfers they need to use to get there”.
“Amadeus was commissioned by the EU to lead an industry consortium and demonstrate through a proof of concept that multimodal travel would be technologically feasible and proved it in 2016. Since then, agreements between airlines, railroads, and regular bus lines have proliferated. But that is not enough to achieve sustainable mobility as a business model and response to travelers’ expectations.
“Elements such as accessibility are crucial in this equation. From Amadeus, we have promoted – together with other industry players such as Air France–KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Renault Group, SNCF, Groupe ADP, Aéroport Marseille Provence, and the Apidae Tourisme Scic SA tourism platform – a data space for mobility, transport, and tourism, EONA-X.
“EONA-X was born thanks to the momentum created by Gaia-X Association for Data and Cloud (AISBL), a European cloud and data association, of which Gaia-X Association for Data and Cloud (AISBL) is a founding member, which aims to create the specifications and rules for a secure, open, and sovereign data infrastructure.
“The future of sustainable mobility will be decided in the field of data. It’ll need lots of coordination and trust between the various stakeholders. Data spaces are part of the European strategy: creating interoperable data spaces in strategic EU sectors will smooth legal and technical barriers to data sharing and foster innovation. (…) EONA-X has worked on its first use case and focused it on “integrated multimodal travel” -which is intermodal mobility- emphasizing its sustainable dimension. Sharing d #tourism ata between companies will be crucial. It’ll ensure sustainable mobility, and allow full visibility of the different ways of getting to a place, its environmental impact, and, in the case of leisure travel, its implications for ” over-tourism “. This will result in improved energy efficiency, as well as accessibility, the resilience of the sector, development of the necessary technology, and safety of the overall transport system”.